Monday, November 13, 2006

100 Emails a Day!

I have been Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood for less than 3 days and yet I have received over 300 emails! Jac was kind enough to send me 50 or so emails on the current projects in the Dark Brotherhood and the database was kind enough to generate about 200 emails last night. I expected mail, but not this much.

Anyways, next up on the agenda is trimming down the projects that Xanos was working on. My first tasks are to finish up the Antei System Description, identify an expanded duty description for the KCB, and rework the GMRG reset. Fun stuff!

Odd news, my wife went to a local fortune teller (my sister-in-laws boyfriend's aunt) to find out the sex of our baby. Score one for the creepy 85 year old lady for saying a boy.

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