This Christmas is brought to you by baby Sarin. My wife had her first ultra-sound today and we found out that we are having a little girl. Check that kid out!
I remember looking at other people's ultra-sound images and thinking "what the hell is that alien?" I think it is pretty funny that I now show my ultra-sound image off to anyone with the capability of sight.
DB work: Things are very busy. We have a lot of projects starting, taking place, and finishing up. The project that has my most attention is the Antei System description. Raken has just sent me what I hope is the final version. We may have a few changes to the GMRG training facility, but other than that, it looks golden. The next step is having Jac bless off and then we can get it out to the public.
RL work: My mom is pretty sure I am a party planner. I have a memorial event and social dinner planned this Friday. The XVIII Airborne Corps Commander, LTG Vines will be our keynote speaker. The entire General staff (Commanding General and his two Deputy Commanding Generals) from the 101st will also be in attendance. Because of this, I am going to be swamped on Thursday and Friday. I should be back to full time DB stuff on Saturday.
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