I know, I know. I have been slacking on the Blog. When I started the Blog I promised myself that I would update it at least 2x a week to keep people informed of DB projects and my screwy real life. So....
1. Antei Project: This is a 52 page Antei System manual detailing the history of the Dark Brotherhood's home system. Version 1.9 is complete and is going to Jac for his final review. We made a few updates to the astrophysical documentation after Donitz handed us a reality check. Big thanks to Don for his expertise in an area that most of us are unfamiliar with.
2. RoS: Gladiatorial Competition to determine the Champions of the Dark Brotherhood. If the competition has the word supremacy in it, then we need to declare some Champions. I have sent Jac a rough outline detailing what type of events I want to run. The next step is bring in subject matter experts so they can code and design portions of the competition. Sneak Peak:
Appetite for Destruction -- Two weeks of Debate Tournament, ACC Tournament, Battle Plan, 4x Fiction Competitions, and Multiplayer Gaming Platform Ladders. Winners get the good stuff.
3. GMRG: Jac has a vision. I took that vision and sent him a proposal. More news at 11.
4. GJW: The General Plot Idea is settled. Details are being worked. More news at 11.
5. Fleet Reset: What the hell is a fleet reset? A Fleet Reset is an Army Term. It is when we turn our old shit in for new shit. Cool.
Okay, enough DB work stuff. Here is a little something special from the realm of the nerdy. My wife and I were grabbing coffee from the Evil Empire known as Starbucks when I noticed Chewbacca and a bunch of Stormies patrolling Toys R Us. The local chapter of the 501st made an appearance and the guy in the Chewie suit gurgling and making moaning noises was too much for my wife to handle. So, for your viewing pleasure, my wife and Santa Chewie.